Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Perfect Exchange.

"Whatever it is, money for a painting, drugs, or a person, the handoff's always a problem. It all comes down to trust. Let's start with the Where? A neutral location. Both comes unarmed. Guns won't make it past security. Security is key. You need metal detectors but not scanners. You wanna get a bag of money and a canvas in. You also need a building with a public space on the roof. When? The meet has to happen during business hours. You want people around to distract from the handoff. The Sutherland's books are valuable enough to warrant guards. One gets out of line, the guards will come and handle the situation. It's designed to keep both sides in check and on task. It's about the exchange, nothing else. It's perfect because one side will always try to outsmart the other, resulting in guns being planted." -Neal and Mozzie.

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